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Sunday, May 22, 2011

sixth sense

Assalamualaikum wbt,
tu hah tajuk entry/post kali. sixth sense yang juju nak cite ni bukannye sixth sense band penyanyi tu. sebaliknya memang sixth sense yang bermaksud deria keenam. macam ni cite nye, masa juju 5 tahun (kalau tak salah la) juju pernah ternampak "benda".  berupa perempuan yang pakai baju serba merah, rambut hitam mengurai, muka sangat pucat and ada darah near her lips. at first i thought she was one of my neighbors, tapi when she actually came very close to the window and sorta gave me her eerie smile, i screamed and my mum came to me. i told her what i saw, tapi unfortunately, she said it was nothing coz nobody's there.

ok lah, percaya cakap ma, but then i fell sick for almost a week. demam teruk. and since then, i keep on seeing things. not every time, tapi when they appeared memang sangat mendebarkan. and this sixth sense-so-called-of-mine, berlanjutan sampai i was in form 3. mostly dekat sekolah. i saw them a lot of times. like they knew that i can see and sense them. then i remembered that it stopped till i entered main campus Gombak. i accidentally saw "her" on my window and i knew there is something wrong. nape juju cakap macam ni? coz usually, they appeared as if they wanted to say something, but i can't read them. tapi i know that once they appeared, there is always something happened. and the time yang juju nampak "dia" kat Gombak tu, a few times i saw her, i came to know that i was sick bcoz of something invisible. sangat menakutkan. i was sick for a year. Alhamdulillah, sekarang dah beransur sembuh. dan during that period, i wasn't me. i changed to be more fierced. to everyone. termasuklah my sayang.

tapi dia sangat sabar. he always stay by my side. and Allah knows how much i am touched. setahun bukannye sekejap. tapi dia sangat penyabar. praise be to Him.

this sixth sense of mine sometimes , or almost most of the time giving me the power to read people. i don't know. it just happened. dan sebenarnye, bila nampak ni, juju jadi sangat lemah. like they've absorbed all strength that i have. so, i can some sort of sense it if you lie to me.

satu je yang juju nak pesan, sihir ke, ilmu hitam ke, semua tu tak dapat menyakiti kita kecuali dengan keizinan Allah. dan kita tahu lah kan, bila Allah dah buat sesuatu tu terjadi, ada hikmahnye. nak kita bersyukur dengan nikmat sihat. nak kita sedar yang ada orang sayangkan kita. nak kita sedar sape yang stay waktu kita sakit, susah. and sape yamg ada time kita sihat and senang je.
semua tu untuk menyedarkan kita. jadi, renung-renungkan lah, dan selamat beramal :)


  1. juju, kamu boleh tahu orang cakap tipu????
    biar betik!!!!

  2. oh
    tidak lah macam tu
    sumtimes dpt sense kalau org tu tak jujur or ada niat tak baik
    tataw cm ne nak explain.
    it just happened :)


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